How To Manage Your Time Effectively


Written by: Nuha Khan

With everything being online in these unprecedented times, many of us have found it difficult to manage our new way of life. Being in a slump, procrastinating, turning those five minutes of social media you promised yourself into an hour- I know a lot of you have experienced these, and so have I. By the end of this article hopefully you find some inspiration to keep your workflow going and learn how to maximize your time to get the best results in all of your endeavours. With some personal experiences in the mix, this article will bring your focus on three core productivity concepts - 

Reflect, Develop Effective Habits, and Be Prepared. 

#1. Reflect.

The Significance of Reflecting.

Most people start tasks with high expectations but not much substance to them. Think about it. Does your current situation reflect the future and goals you want to achieve? Without knowing what you truly want out of an experience your efforts may, unfortunately, turn out to be blank wins. With nothing to back them up, you would accomplish something but, it's still going to feel like you got nothing done. The first step to managing your time effectively to focus on what it is your working for. Basing tasks and schedules will seem less daunting from there.

Know Yourself & Ask Questions.

Okay, so you clearly know what you want. Now what? There are many ways you can go from here, but before we jump into the different techniques and resources, you might want to check a little step that most people seem to disregard. That is more reflecting. Before you think I'm becoming redundant, take a second to think it over. Figuring out your strengths and weaknesses is crucial to forming a well-devised study plan. You know yourself the best, so put that knowledge to good use. Identify why you may procrastinate. I know that being unmotivated gets the best of me when I feel overwhelmed. For someone else, it could be that they fear the outcome, so they avoid the tasks. Believe it or not, perfectionism can lead to procrastination. You may think that if someone is a perfectionist, would they not be super focused on the task? Well, the answer can vary from person to person. Research shows that because perfectionists are so intent on completing a task to the best of their abilities, they fear being unable to complete a task perfectly. The higher the fear of failure and ridicule, the higher it is that people avoid it. Identify your specific causes to help create a tailored plan. If studying earlier in the morning is better for you, go for it! If you know you need a nap after school to maximize your productivity, listen to your mind and body. If you are a visual learner, cater to that part of your strengths. The same goes for Auditory and Kinesthetic. What type of list makes you feel like you have a scholarly academic aesthetic? What makes you feel completely ready to take on even the hardest of assignments? Once you recognize what will help you succeed, adapt your schedule as you see fit.

#2. Be Prepared.

Aim & Arrange.

I know some of us are tired of hearing be prepared, have a plan, have a list, and trust me, I was too at one point. I just said all that in the paragraph above, and I get it, we hear these basic tips so much. We have all probably hear the same say work smarter, not harder. Learning to break them down so that they're not so basic is what can really set you apart and enable you to achieve success without the struggles you would've faced before. With a defined purpose from reflecting on your goals, you should now successfully set up tasks and keep yourself organized. Congratulations! You've made it to step two- Plan! Plan! Plan! From your days to your weeks, to your semesters and quadmesters, having everything written down to come back to you will only help you in the future. 

Just Notion It. 

My advice to you is to write everything down. Everything. Have a place to note activities, assignments, tasks, goals, events, timings, dates and uniquely curated tips for your work. My superpower app is Notion. You may have heard of it, it's blown up all over TikTok, and people make it look so easy. Well, good news! You can do it too. Notion is manageable and convenient - but will also give you a sense of accomplishment of having your life sorted. The internet is full of Notion tutorials and templates, so try it out. What's the worst that could happen? With features in place to customize GIFS, header pictures, create different pages, workspaces, timelines, and manage times & information, it's the perfect crossover between productivity and aesthetics. It has worked wonders for me and will for you too. P.S. You can also add on your Spotify widgets.

How To's.

Harvard Business Review's no.1 Recommended Study Tip

You know what you're supposed to plan and where to do it. Don't be disheartened if you don't know-how. That's where I come in. The first idea to understand is that your schedule is more than your To-Do list. It's where you can dump all your distracting thoughts about work. It's where you can come back to a calm platform no matter how hectic your life is.

Harvard Business Review ranked the Time-Blocking method to be the most useful out of all the productivity tips. Time-blocking can give you a strong sense of control over your workday. All you have to do is decide what to do and when to do it, immediately blocking out any chances for procrastination. You don't have to follow any of the tips shared in this article, but Time-Blocking is the one I would say you should definitely do if you can. There are numerous benefits to this method, such as improving our feelings towards work, eliminating procrastination and enhancing collaboration. Still not convinced? Think about all the free time you'll have to catch up on the Netflix shows and movies you had to give up to finish homework.

#3. Effective Habits.

The last concept of the three-step success plan is to develop habits that will improve your work performance. To produce results on time and to the best of your abilities, here are four techniques you can use to stay on top of your game. Keep in mind that it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit, so remember to stay consistent with your endeavours!

Pomodoro Technique.

If you get frustrated when working on a project or want to learn how to stay motivated, the Pomodoro Method is essential. It is suitable for many kinds of work, such as writing, coding, design, and science. If you have a lot of overwhelming work to get through, the strategy works well for it. Instead of cramming, it gives you healthy breaks to relax but not distract yourself. Start by selecting one project or assignment you want to concentrate on. Work on it for 25-30 minutes, after which you take a five-minute break. Repeat this schedule for four more sessions. Then, after four sessions, take a fifteen-minute break. Keep doing this until you're finished and it'll leave you feeling fresh and focused.

Helpful App: 

  • Flat Tomato

Time Blocking.

Start by brainstorming all tasks you may have to work on this week, and then work your way down from there. Allot a specific time to each task and block it off on your schedule. Try time blocking if you juggle many different projects/responsibilities or battle constant interruptions throughout the day. This technique goes hand in hand with the Pomodoro technique and keeps you organized while preventing procrastination.

Helpful App: 

  • Daily Habit Tracker

Parkinson's Law.

Start by brainstorming all tasks you may have to work on this week, and then work your way down from there. Allot a specific time to each task and block it off on your schedule. Try time blocking if you juggle many different projects/responsibilities or battle constant interruptions throughout the day. This technique goes hand in hand with the Pomodoro technique and keeps you organized while preventing procrastination.

Helpful App:

  • Timely 

Important-Urgent Matrix.

This 2x2 matrix, popularized by Stephen Covey's "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," is another way to help users more efficiently control their time. Users identify tasks on axes based on tasks that are relevant and of the tasks that are not important. Tasks that are urgent and not urgent go to the other axis. The result is 4 quadrants: tasks that are important and urgent, important but not urgent, not important but urgent, and lastly not important and not urgent. The matrix is amazing for those who need help prioritizing.

Helpful App:

  • Eisenhower Matrix App

  • Write down everything from your previous daily schedule that wasn't completed and needs to be completed the next day.

  • Make it aesthetically pleasing to encourage you to look at it more

  • Be realistic about what you can accomplish each day

  • Make time to reflect on a weekly basis

I hope you found these tips helpful! If you've got any questions, please comment - I will try to reply ASAP. Happy scheduling! 



References - Research

10 Popular Time Management Techniques. (2014, September 14). Retrieved January 10, 2021, from

10 Time Management Tips For Students. (2019, May 28). Retrieved January 11, 2021, from

Knight, R., Friedman, R., & Webb, C. (2019, January 27). How Timeboxing Works and Why It Will Make You More Productive. Retrieved January 11, 2021, from

The TH TeamThe Time Habits Team focus on a stress-free living and better performing life. We provide helpful tips and techniques via blog posts. (2020, May 02). How To Form A Habit? [A Scientific Approach]. Retrieved January 10, 2021, from

References- Images Used 

Kurzawska, K. (2018, May 28). All the things we have to do [Cartoon]. Retrieved January 10, 2021, from 

Notion Logo [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2021, from 

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